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Pregnancy - fetal testing

All pregnant women are offered two ultrasounds (sonograms) during pregnancy to ensure that the fetus is developing within the norm.


Pregnancy - fetal testing


Further testing

In case of increased probability of chromosomal abnormality or if the ultrasound raises suspicions of malformations, you will be offered further testing at Kolding Hospital.

Following tests are offered when futher testing is required:

Blood test (NIPT), Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis.


Genetic testing and informed consent

In pregnancies with an increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, genetic testing of the fetus will be offered.

It is your choice whether or not you want to have the testing done. The testing involves comprehensive genetic analysis. If you choose further testing, you must fill out a written consent form and at the same time decide on how you would like to receive the results.

It is very important that you read the patient information from Danish National Genome Center.


If you are offered Chorionic Villus Sampling or blood test (NIPT) - you must read this information from Danish National Genome Center: 

  • Patient information concerning comprehensive genetic analysis in connection with prenatal testing

If you are offered an Amniocentesis - you must read this information from Danish National Genom Center: 

  • Patient information concerning comprehensive genetic analysis in connection with prenatal testing
  • Patient information concerning comprehensive genetic analysis

Danish National Genom Center