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Contact Acute Assesment Unit

Contact Acute Assesment Unit

Telephone 76 36 24 44

A midwife is ready to answer your call 24 hours a day.

Please contact us if

  • you have contractions more than 3 weeks prior to your Estimated Date of Delivery
  • your waters break (or you are unsure whether they have or not)
  • your waters (amniotic fluid) are green or brown
  • the contractions are strong and regular
  • you experience constant pain
  • you have heavy vaginal bleeding
  • you notice a change in your babys movements
  • you experience discomfort relating to your pregnancy and labour

Always phone the unit before you leave home.

If you think you need an ambulance, - please contact us first.
We will call one for you.

Kolding Sygehus
Sygehusvej 30
6000 Kolding

Remember to bring your health records = vandrejournal.