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The possibility of prophylactic radiotherapy after breast-conserving surgery for early-stage breast cancer

After breast-conserving surgery for breast cancer, radiotherapy is offered to lower the risk of cancer recurrence. Radiotherapy may cause pain and skin reaction in the breast or chest area, fatigue or late side effects by damages to lung or cardiac tissue. Considering these well-known side effects of irradiation, involving patients in the decision on whether to receive irradiation therefore seems appropriate and in line with modern health care prioritizing patient engagement.

This Decision Helper is developed in cooperation with the Danish Breast Cancer cooperative Group for a national, randomized study, the DBCG RT SDM trial. In this trial, physicians are randomized to either continue as usual or practice shared decision making supported by this Decision Helper.

Subject area   

Treatment - Prophylatic radiotherapy 


  • Radiotherapy
  • No Radiotherapy 

Preparation sheet included  


Developed by

Danish Breast Cancer Cooperative (DBCG)  and Center of Shared Decision Making

Responsible for update 

Stine Rauff Søndergaard, MD, PhD student



Scheduled update



To access the watermarked preview of the finalized DECISION HELPER™ on Treatment - Prophylatic radiotherapy  (PDF), please follow the provided link.

To access the digital DECISION HELPER™ building platform, where the DECISION HELPER™ is created, you must be an employee within a region in Denmark.

For any further questions, please contact Centre for Shared Decision Making: Maybritt Brunsgaard Klausen.

Based on IPDAS criteria (International Patient Decision Aid Standards) this decision aid (and/or supporting materials) meets:

Six of six qualifying criteria are met

This Patient Decision Aid meets the IPDAS qualifying criteria to be defined as a Patient Decision Aid

Six of six certifying criteria are met

Certifying criteria lower the risk of making a biased decision

Twenty of twenty quality criteria are met

Quality criteria that strengthen the quality of the Patient Decision Aid


Only applicable criteria are included in the assessment